Sunday, October 4, 2015

What is worrying you?

Why are we worrying too much?  Why waste our time worrying? We only lived once and why not enjoy it while we can. We worried about so many things. Like, what will happen tomorrow, what am I going to do if we can't have the job we want, if how are we going to pay our debt and so on.

 We are wasting time being  anxious.  Instead of being upset why not divert it in a sensible activity. Worrying  won't change the situations sometimes it only trigger or create a bigger problem.  We are bothered too much that we sometimes forget other things.

Worrying has a negative and positive effect.

On the negative side, it  affects our health  when worrying constantly. It will keep you up at night and makes you very tense and moody all day.  And it is harmful to our health when we can't control it. It will only drive you crazy and will affect your physically and mentally.

While on the positive side, sometimes it helps us avoid bad things, prevents us in encountering problems, prepares us in worst case scenarios, or sometimes it will us to great solutions.

Whether your fear is in positive or negative it has an  effect; it is still damaging. It will only add to your fretfulness. It is really difficult to break this habit;  it takes courage to face it and believing that you will overcome it.  Be optimistic in every circumstance that everything has its own reasons you only need to control your thoughts for you to be able to let go of it.

 Be positive in life. Be thankful of you have. Come to think about it. Does worrying change the situation? So why worry too much and waste your time, health and be a problem to others. Be surrounded with positive persons and it will easy for you to let go. Accepting that you have a problem will help you move on faster.

So don’t be stuck worrying, distressing, being upset, and sad. Look around you, they might need your expertise and time. Give your energy to more productive and useful activities that will benefit you and other persons around you. Be an inspiration instead of being desperate in worrying a situation that you are not capable of solving it.

Ponder about it.  Is worrying beneficial or not? Is it worth it wasting your time being upset about a situation that didn’t happen yet?

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